Welcome Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Elizabeth Berg

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I’ve put together some Atkins Diet tips for all of you out there who are on the Atkins Diet. I was successful on this low-carb diet, losing 120 pounds over a period of eighteen months, and I want you to be able to do the same thing! The best way to do that is to follow the diet carefully and make sure you aren’t tempted to backslide or cheat.

When I first started the Atkins program, it was hard for me because I wasn’t really prepared. I knew I had to keep my carbs low and that there were certain foods that I could and couldn’t eat, especially during the Induction Phase. But knowing and doing were two different things until I got myself organized and learned how to make the diet work for me and my lifestyle. Once I did that, it was a breeze!

Everyone who is on the Atkins Diet menu plan has probably already read the cans and cannots of the diet, so I won’t go into that. Instead, I’ve put together these Atkins diet tips that helped me, and I believe will help you too.

Here are my best Atkins Diet tips for staying on the plan and being successful with your weight loss goals:

Atkins Diet Tip #1

Take a before picture. I had my husband take my picture before I started the diet, and it was a real eye-opener. I didn’t look good. After two weeks on the Atkins plan, I had her take my photo again. What an inspiration! The clothes were already fitting looser, and I could see that even my face was slimming down. I began taking the pictures about every three to four weeks after that, and let me tell you, they are inspirational. Any time I get frustrated or reach a plateau with my weight loss, I just get out those pictures and remind myself of how far I’ve come.

Atkins Diet Tip #2

Stock your refrigerator before you start. I tried starting the Atkins diet without going to the store at first. This was a mistake because a lot of the foods I ate had not been part of the program and a lot of the ones that I was supposed to eat weren’t anywhere in my house. The next week my husband and I took the acceptable foods list with us to the market and stocked up on everything I liked. Then I had no excuses. I discovered that we could prepare tons of meals that were delicious and creative because we had everything on hand.

I also got rid of all the junk foods and empty calories in my house so that I wouldn’t be tempted. It’s a lot easier to pass up a plate of spaghetti if you don’t have any in the house!

Atkins Diet Tip #3

Make sure you take your vitamins. This sounds so simple, but it’s one thing a lot of people forget. If you don’t get the proper nutrients, you could begin feeling tired and blame it on the diet. If you take a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, you will protect yourself against disease, illness, and the possibility of feeling drained.

Atkins Diet Tip #4

Find a friend to do the Atkins Diet with. Before I started Atkins, I had discussed it with a friend who decided to try it as well. During the Induction Phase she called me one night to talk because, she confessed, she was ready to give in to temptation her son’s birthday cake. I suggested a snack alternative, and she ate it while we chatted. By the time we hung up, she felt great and the craving for the cake was gone.

It worked great to have an Atkins buddy we even ate lunch out once a week to treat ourselves! We learned together how to read menus to find the best choices, how to ask for substitutions, and always had fun while we were treating ourselves. We kept each other on track and cheered each other on.

Atkins Diet Tip #5

Keep quick and easy snacks ready. My husband always made sure I had crispy veggies like celery and cucumbers sliced and chilled in ice water for quick pick-me-ups. If they are already prepared, I’m more likely to reach for them. I also keep several varieties of cheese on hand and some hard-boiled eggs ready all the time. Both of these are great for a mid-afternoon or evening snack. You can also get a few of the Atkins snack bars for those times when you want a snack, and you’re away from home.

Keeping these five Atkins diet tips in mind worked so well for me that they are now a part of my life. I always have something good to eat on hand, and my friend and I are now in the Maintenance Phase of the Atkins diet, looking good and feeling great!

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